الي لاحظتو على الدكتور (ج-ر) إنو مع احترامي الو تنبل
وبيكرر أسئلتو كتير
لهيك جمعت الأسئلة المتكررة خلال أسئلة الدورات وصححتن وجمعتن على شكل معلومات وبتمنى التوفيق للجميع
الأسئلة المتكررة في أسئلة الدورات (محلولة)
* State whether the following statements are correct or incorrect:
1-children seem to act like efficient linguists equipped with a perfect language theory.
2-early theories of language acquisition were heavily influenced by behaviorism.
3-Language acquisition is the greatest mental feat we are ever required to do.
4-the capacity to learn language is deeply ingrained in us just as the capacity to recognize faces.
5-parents reinforce the truth value of the child's utterances.
6-the systems underlying behaviors are the focus of innateness hypothesis.
7-motherese is child-directed speech.
8-structured input theory places emphasis on the role of the environment in facilitating language acquisition.
9-controlled studies show that motherese does not significantly affect the child's language development.
10-poverty of stimulus is an innateness based argument.
11-The philosophical background for behaviorism is empiricism.
12-the child seems to acquire first nasals and glides.
13-children's treatment of morphological irregular units as if they were regular is overgeneralization.
14-syntactic bootstrapping is the use of knowledge of syntax to learn the meaning of words.
15-context determines the reference of the pronoun.
16-in behaviorism, learning is a habit formation through stimulus-response association.
17-children in holophrastic stage use one-word utterances with different illocutionary force.
18-induction is a mode of reasoning moving from a premise to a general rule.
19-language acquisition means that every normal child will pass through language acquisition stages.
20-a syntagmatic relationship is that which holds between signs present in linguistic string.
21-when using pronouns, children have difficulty in shifting their pronunciation reference.
22-for behaviorism, all knowledge is based on or derived from experience.
23-for De sassure, the signifier of a linguistic sign is the sound.
24-nativists believe we have an in-built language faculty (LAD).
25-for De sassure, the signified of a sign is the object or the concept.
26-regional phonological distinctions are accents.
27-when people are geographically and socially separated, they develop dialectal diversity.
28-a language used by common agreement is called lingua franca.
29-styles are situation dialect.
30-the existence of forbidden words and ideas stimulates the creation of euphemisms.
31-a creole is when a pidgin becomes the native language of someone in a community.
32-a lingua franca is a language/variety used by common agreement.
33-accent refers to the regional phonological distinctions.
34-according to behaviorism the mind is a clean/blank slate (tabula rasa).
35-sociolect is the variety of language spoken by a certain social group.
36-darn, gosh, and heck are instances of euphemism.
37-parol is the speech of a particular individual.
38-lattakia and Damascus speech varieties are instances of regional dialects.
39-slang is language at its most informal situation (the lowest level of informality).
40-ages relevant to language acquisition are approximations.
41-strings such as ''baba'', and ''kaka'' are produced at babbling stage.
42-forbidden words and ideas are taboo.
43-diglossia is a situation.
44-negative reinforcement strengthens behavior.
45-language according to situation is register.
46-order of acquisition of classes of sounds goes by manner of articulation.
47-humans can produce an infinite number of utterances.
48-UG refers to universal grammar.
49-motherese is the child directed speech.
50-parents teach their children how to state the rules of language.
51-analogy can account for the creativity of language.
52-overextension is based on shape and color.
53-argot is special words used by a peculiar group.
54-a marginal language is known as pidgin.
55-grammatical refers to sequence of words that conform to the rules of syntax.